im·per·ti·nent - [im-pur-tn-uhnt]– adjective
1. intrusive or presumptuous, as persons or their actions; insolently rude; uncivil: a brash, impertinent youth.
2. see also chicken.
Yep, the chickens are getting more and more impertinent by the day. I think it is the time of year, and with Daylight Savings Time, I have having to adjust MY schedule (which is ruled by the clock) to fit their schedule (which is ruled TOTALLY by the sun. If it is still pretty light outside, they want to stay outside, no matter what we bribe them with. Jody got four eggs today, and after I got home, I was out watering plants, and I had a cell phone call. I was sitting on the bench by the path, and one of the Vera's came up and was wanting to talk. I tried to ignore her, and the next thing I knew she flew up on my shoulder demanding attention. Later on, I thought I would try to feed them, but one of the black and whites would have no part of it, so I gave up and waited until after dinner.

Here is the update on the car; this morning when I got in the car to take it into the dealer for service, the power steering was back. BUT, I took it any way, and I am now driving this behemoth called a Chevrolet Traverse. I actually got a loaner car, and they offered it, I did not have to pout or anything. It is big, it is nice, but it is not getting 90+ miles to the gallon that the Volt achieves. I got gas in the Volt this morning, and that was my MPG for the last tank of gas. Hopefully, I will get it back tomorrow; they said they had been consulting with Detroit about all the computer codes that had been generated since yesterday on the car. Very interesting. I can certainly tell you that I am totally happy with the customer service that has been provided by COVERT CHEVROLET IN HUTTO. Good job. Just remember to plug the car in when you finish.

This is our first rose of the season, we planted this bush last year from Home Depot, and it flourished nicely, and is putting up new shoots and buds. I think our new theory of watering things ONLY up close to the house will be a good one, and transplanting or giving away things up by the road. We shall see. There are lots of plants blooming in Austin, but the temperatures there are a pretty good bit higher than out here, and our winter was several degrees more frigid than they experienced with all the traffic and such. Whatever...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ORNERY CHICKENS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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