A beautiful, lovely, wonderful spring day in Austin, Texas and its' environs. When you think of spring-time in Texas (or at least central Texas) you think of spring blossoms, wild-flowers and freaks. Yep, freaks. This is spring-break week which means South by Southwest (SXSW) and the city is crawling with freaks. I have heard the estimates of folks from all around the world who are here for this 10 day period, and they contribute MILLIONS AND MILLIONS to our economy, but unfortunately the roads are clogged and they are not really sure what the trash bins are for. We will all survive, and forget all about the bad parts. Kind of like past romantic relationships; there is a reason those things did not work out. BUT, here is something that I really enjoy, and I will be on this kick for a while to come. Photos of flowers blooming in and around the city. These trumpet vines are generally magnificent outside my office, and they are just beginning. Soon they will be a wall of orange blooms, and their beauty will be magnificent. Just wait...
A good day in the office, still making nice accomplishments. Got leases finalized on a couple management properties, and made some head way in my 'elective' (volunteer) endeavors. Interestingly, I never seem to be lacking in stuff to do, whether it is at home or in the office.

On the way home, I paid attention to some clouds. There were a variety of clouds available for inspiration, it just depended on which part of the sky you wanted to pay attention to. These little wispy clouds seemed to have caught my attention, and I thought I would share them with you. The cracker-jack meteorologist on the local news channel said we have no fear of frost for the rest of the season, so I guess we are out of the woods on that one. Time will tell.

Once I got home (Jody got five eggs from the girls this afternoon), I went out and watered the trees in the back that we just planted and my watermelon and cantaloupe seeds that I put in a week ago. Still no sign of them sprouting, but I am not dismayed. I think they will come up. The corn and everything else we put in the ground is coming up nicely. One of the grape vines has been molested by bunnies, but I think it will survive. Once it gets out of 'bunnie-reach' it should do okay. This is a picture of our bed of corn, we will need to thin it out some (maybe) or just let it grow and see what happens.
Jody is bar-b-cuing bacon-wrapped scallops for dinner tonight. Absolutely Fabulous! Tomorrow I am stopping at Papa Murphy's on the way home for a stuffed pizza. We have never tried that, so it will be a new experience. Not many of those left anymore!

Okay, I almost forgot; while I was outside watering the trees, I walked back to check on the cattle, and our friend Mike from Miami called. We are trying to coordinate a time for him to come up and visit. Anyway, I moved up to the pool and was sitting in a chair by the gazebo, and the chickens were over on the other side of the pool. I asked him if he remembered a photo in the blog a couple months ago of the chicken flying up into the tree and feeding out of the bird feeder. He did not recall it, but as I was sitting there, one of the Plymouth Rocks got up in the tree and was feeding. SO, this picture is for Mike in Miami!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CORN ROWS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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