Lots of activity today, and I also had my bi-monthly MasterMind meeting today as well, and that is always a treat. I am privileged to be associated with a great group of colleagues, and it is wonderful to be able to sit down, be calm, and discuss what it going on with our markets, what is happening here and there, and getting great ideas for marketing ourselves and getting more business and being more productive. Let's hear it for TeamHope Masterminds, thanks for everything you do for me.
I will be getting my car back tomorrow, and I have to tell you I am in shock about the amount of gas this loaner drinks. I have to take it back tomorrow morning with the same amount of gas that it had in it when I checked it out. So far I have driven just about 215 miles, and I put 25 dollars worth of gas in it today, and I am going to have to put another $15 (at least) in it tomorrow when I return it. I have been using $30 a week in gas with the VOLT, and the VOLT takes premium, too. I am spoiled to have a car with a 9 gallon gas tank. I have no idea how big the tank is on the loaner but it has to be HUGE. I do not know how people cannot be more conservative with their fossil-fuel consumption. There is a lesson to be learned here.
Just got home from the Williamson County Area Beekeepers Association monthy meeting. Good interesting information. I am looking forward to harvesting a good bit of honey this year, hopefully at least 200 pounds in a few weeks or so, and another pull in the fall. We shall see.
FYI: It seems the spell-check function is not working tonight, so if there are spelling or grammar errors, it is not because I did not try to fix it.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BEEKEEPERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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