loose - [loos] - adjective lacking moral restraint or integrity; sexually promiscuous or immoral; unchaste.
live·stock - [lahyv-stok] – noun ( used with a singular or plural verb )
the horses, cattle, sheep, and other useful animals kept or raised on a farm or ranch.
Caution: Loose Livestock! 'Nuff Said!
Well, I know you are all dying to know, so here it is. The Vick's Vapo Rub did not do a whole lot for me except to make me crabby during the night because my socks kept sticking to the flannel sheets and encumbered my thrashing about under the covers. I am convinced that it did not hurt anything else otherwise, but it was not the miracle cure I was looking for. Jody said he could smell me from a quarter-mile, but I am not sure that had anything to do with the Vick's, I think it was more or less something he had been wanting to say for years and never really had the chance. I did stay in the bed (not sleeping the whole time but still there) until almost 8 o'clock this morning, so that was great.
I had a few chores on my weekend to-do list, and I accomplished a few of them. I did get the fig tree in the front pruned back. I took out about a third of it, and I am considering putting some cantaloupe and water melon in some of that area. I also added a little piece of wood to the top layer of the chickens nesting boxes, just to make a little bit of a higher barrier so they cannot as easily roll eggs out of the nests if they get a little bit rambunctious. This morning there were two girls fighting over the same nesting box, and there were already two eggs in the box. Can't we all just get along?
I also took out a smallish (comparatively speaking) cotton wood tree that had volunteered itself outside the dog yard. Jody and I then made our way into Georgetown where I had a lovely hot fudge sundae and Jody had a caramel sundae at the Dairy Queen. After that, we went to one of the local (the only one I think) nurseries in Georgetown, where we bought two peach trees, two apple trees and two grape vines. So far I have planted the grape vines, and tomorrow we will plant the trees. All varieties are different, except for the grapes, those vines are the same. The nurseryman said the apples needed at least two trees for pollination, but it was not necessary that they be the same kind of trees, and the peach trees indicated that they were 'self-fertile' (those rascally little trees). So, it will be interesting if everything comes up, and our first little gardening effort is successful.
So far we have collected four eggs from the girls, and we took 18 eggs over to Pauline and Hubert. We had thought that we might need Hubert or Michael to come over with the back-hoe to dig holes for the trees, but I think we will be able to handle it with no problem, particularly since Miguel is expected to come out tomorrow and help us with some other work around the place.
More tomorrow...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, SELF FERTILIZING, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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