Another wreck. How do these things happen. It looks like the light colored car was heading in the same direction as me, and it looks like it hit the dark colored car, but I am not sure how that could have happened. Maybe if the light colored car was making a left turn and hit the dark colored car, BUT, even though it looks like the light colored car could have been turning into a driveway (on the University of Texas Campus), it is a driveway for maintenance vehicles (like golf carts). Anyway, it amazes me how these wrecks can happen when they are just not logical. That was the first of two wrecks I saw today, the other involved a motor vehicle and a bicyclist. No photos of that one, but it did not look good. AND, neither of the wrecks were during my commute to or from Austin, but regardless, a wreck is a wreck, and it is not ever a good thing.

The above photo was taken after I had picked up my client Barry and his partner Luke and headed them off to their closing. The second wreck was after the closing, and I was heading the back to their apartment. It was kind of like a Twilight Zone episode, except instead of us being witnesses to things that would happen in the future, we were witnessing a series of events that had already happened and wished we could have prevented. Okay, so the more I think of it, maybe it really was not like the Twilight Zone. Whatever. ANYWAY, this is a photo of Luke and Barry after the closing. Not only did they get to walk away with keys to their new home, but they got to load up on candy and chips courtesy of the Title Company. I personally restrained myself from taking more than a half-dozen packets of M&M's. Considerable restraint on my part!
I stopped on my way into town this morning to pick up my car. I AM SO HAPPY TO HAVE MY CAR BACK, even though they could not replicate the problem, and the service order they gave me is kind of vague. Maybe it is only vague because I don't speak 'service repair orders', but I have it back, but I will always be a little wary that the problem could resurface. I ended up putting $40 worth of gas in the loaner car to travel LESS than 250 miles. That is only one of the reasons that I am happy to have my car back.

Made it home with no extraordinary issues, and as I was about to turn into the driveway, I noticed a purple place in the beds near the road. I assumed that there must be the first blooms of Iris, and decided I would go out later and take a picture. I also noticed there is some bloom on the sage bushes by the drive, which is an indicator that we will have rain soon. That will be wonderful. SO, after the news and catching up on e-mails, I walked out to the road and there was indeed ONE Iris blooming, but as I walked down the fence-line, there is also a wisteria bush blooming that I did not even know was there. Weird! But really pretty and I love the scent of the wisteria. That and Mountain Laurel make me thing of Grape Soda and bubble-gum. Two of my favorites. Imagine that.
My horoscope today says (in part) that I should 'come out of hiding and bring your quirks into the light'. I don't know about you, but I think that could be dangerous!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, IRIS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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