BUT, my solution to that is to take the day off tomorrow. Austin is a ZOO right now, with South By Southwest, March Madness, Spring Break and (probably) dozens of other things going on. Streets are closed or blocked, traffic is grid-locked, and many of us (and many of us are not) are complaining about everything EXPECT the millions and millions of dollars that these folks are dropping into our economy. Thanks a million!
So, I have all kinds of chores scheduled for tomorrow, much of them depending on power tools and extension cords. Over the weekend, I plan on cleaning out the feed shed, cutting down some brush in the front field, MAYBE removing the entrance reducers on the bee hives, planting some Amaryllis, weeding (oh help me), cutting grass, planting some more cantaloupe seeds, and generally just doing all kinds of things that need to be done around the farm. Manna from heaven!
There will also be trips to Tractor Supply (suspenders), Home Depot (for geraniums) and Warehouse Pool Supply (parts, you always need parts). I am TOTALLY looking forward to it.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, PATIO CHICKENS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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