That high pitched shriek you undoubtedly heard last night was just me screaming like a girl when I came upon this snake out in the front year. Not a poisonous snake or anything, just a chicken snake. They don't really bother the chickens, they are just after their eggs. SO, this afternoon (I took the day off) I went out to let the chickens loose, and there was the snake in the chickens pen. I have given new thoughts to the broken eggs we occasionally have in the coop, and now I think it might be the result of this or that chicken snake (I am certain where there is one there is most likely more) getting into the coop and pulling eggs out of the nesting boxes. Not certain of this, but it is just another theory.

This is a photo of the flags and the nearly full moon last night. If the photograph is not the best, it is because I use a camera that is no where near the best, and of course there is me; I am no where near being a good photographer. I like to crop the photos before I take the picture, and whatever I get is what I get. No editing for me, just point, get closer, and shoot. Usually it does not come out too badly and if they turn out really badly, no one sees them, so what is the big deal?
Jody and I went off to run errands and we returned six hours later having accomplished little of nothing. We put a lot of miles on Jody's truck, and really made practically no progress on anything we had intended. BUT, we did get a few things accomplished; we went to the Dairy Queen in Georgetown and had hot fudge sundaes (there is a totally different crew working the week days) and we made it to Home Depot where we got some callas and some geraniums, and we went to Tractor Supply where I got some suspenders, AND we went to Taylor twice (don't ask), but anyway, we are home and life is good.

I did get the sign from the old farm put up here at the new farm, it has only been two and a half years to get it put up. We (okay I) decided today we need to pace ourselves, because if we ever get everything done around here that needs to be done, one of us will decide it is time to move, and we don't really want that. BUT, I am proud that the sign is up, and it looks great.
Tomorrow I will be teaching a quick class at the Board of REALTORS and that will be fun. Later in the afternoon we will go BACK to the Dairy Queen (it is the weekend FGS), and then we will go off to retrieve some beekeeping supplies that I ordered a while back. The Williamson County Area Beekeepers Association members all placed separate orders, and then a couple of the members went to Paris, Texas to pick it all up, to save us all a good bit in shipping. Yippee!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, J B ACRES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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