It is the Fourth of July. I want to make sure everyone that has had a part in our continuing freedom has been properly recognized. All of you, please stand up so we can all salute you! THANKS!
I am tired right now...I have been working all day long. Not physical work, but all mental work. Exhausting. I am not used to using my pea-brain!

This is a photo of the sunset last night. I took it while I was putting the girls to bed and taking the trash can out to the street. You never know, out here in the country they might just come out on a Holiday to collect the trash. ANYWAY, there are lots of opportunities to see sunsets, sunrises and other beautiful sights in the sky. As you can see from the photo, there is not that much around here to block the views, so there are lots of opportunities.

While I was watering the plants this morning, I noticed the gardenia is blooming again. It is one of the plants that benefits from all the watering I have been doing, so it is thriving. There is really not much of anything else out here that is thriving. I cannot decide if I am watering some things too much, or some things not enough. It is hard to say. I can tell you that everything is suffering from the heat and the lack of rain. We need some relief and we need it pretty darned quick.

Can you tell what this tree is? Suddenly this tree has some sort of fruit on it. This is our third summer here, and we have never seen this tree with fruit on it before. It is out by the road, and Jody pointed it out to me the other day. It looks like some kind of apple, but the fruit looks like it is 'girdled' or something. It looks interesting, and I am dieing to try one, but I don't want to poison myself, either. Any thoughts you have on the subject will be appreciated.

The newest baby chickens are really getting big. We will have them three weeks the day after tomorrow, and I think they were several days old when we got them, so they are close to a month old. They have really had a growth spurt this week!
I got gas in the car today, and I am pretty sure I set a new record. I went over 1,300 miles on this tank of gas and used 8.5 gallons of gas to do it, so that comes to almost 155 miles per gallon (right about 154.89 if you want exact numbers). Every time I achieve a personal best, I doubt that I will be able to surpass it, and every time I do. It is all about learning how to get the most bang for the buck, when and where to find a charging station, all that stuff. I enjoy it!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, MENTAL EXHAUSTION, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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