it is that time, too much work, not enough hours in the whole day to get everything done, and just about the time i am hitting my stride, i think it is time to go to bed and go to sleep so I can start the whole thing over again in the morning.
lots of stuff accomplished at the office, including three meetings; 10 o'clock, 11:15and a 1 o'clock. i did not leave the office until after four, even though i made several half-hearted attempts to get out of the place. and once i left, i had a few more errands to run and a few more things to do, so i did not even make it home strait-away.
i am on cd #23 of 24, so i expect i will finish this book on cd tomorrow. pretty interesting book by ken follet called 'fall of giants', about pre-and-post world war one. really interesting.
typing with no capital letters is not as easy as i have made out. it takes a considerable amount of attention to override years and years of habits you have developed in front of an ibm, all the way up to (now) just a little lap top computer. the instinct to capitalize is the second or third strongest instinct we share as humans, right after getting in the wrong line at the bank, and wondering who it was that invented buttons to be placed on men's boxer shorts. i mean, really, who thought that one up?
deeds, actions, changes, buttons in all the wrong places, kindnesses, whirled peas, fun!
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