Made it to the Travis County Court House in time for my 9 o'clock call. I am the court appointed receiver for a property in an estate with MANY heirs, and the hearing went well, and I am learning this niche of the business as I go. I hope that this will be a nice market for me, but the risks and liabilities of these types of transactions are somewhat higher than the ordinary practice of real estate. Care and caution are the norm here, but I hope to be a quick learner.
After the court hearing, I was back in the office for a few minutes, and then I headed out to the Austin Chapter of the Women's Council of REALTORS for the monthly meeting. I attended an new member orientation that covered the history of the Chapter and then there was the luncheon and the election of the Chapter Officers for the coming year. One of our agents (Chris) was elected the position of Chairman Elect, and he will take the reins of Chair for the Austin Chapter in 2013. Congratulations to Chris for all his hard work.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, MORE HEAT, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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