The official high temperature in Austin today was (officially) 'Who Give a Sh*t'. No one cares what the high temperatures are anymore. Who Gives a Sh*t? The thermometer in my car said 108 degrees, and all I really know is (depending on your definition of the word 'is' is) is that it IS TOO FREAKING HOT! I am tired of these idyllic sunrises that look like something out of a fairy tale. IT IS TOO HOT! Today was our 42nd day of temperatures exceeding 100 degrees this year, BUT WHO IS COUNTING? Oh, that would be me. Sorry... We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming. As you were...
I did not leave the office today except to go see why the alarm on my car was going off (no reason I can tell) and to check the mail (nothing really interesting. Otherwise, I spent the day procrastinating (I have taken a vow to make progress on my 2010 Income Taxes), and I will do ALMOST ANYTHING to keep from doing that. I did make good progress on my package for a designation I have worked a couple years towards, and I will be getting that information in the mail in a week or so. Otherwise, I checked my e-mail about a thousand times, and checked FaceBook a couple hundred times. Mix in with that two conference calls and a late afternoon appointment, and you have the makings on my day.

After I got home this afternoon, I went out and checked on the chickens. They have pretty much stayed incognito this afternoon, I finally was able to get a good count on them early this evening. I was a little bitty bit afraid they might have also succumbed to the heat, but they are all accounted for. I am thinking of installing a fan in the coop to give them a little reprieve from the heat. It can't hurt. We have pretty much quit keeping track of the egg production, because it is pretty much down to nothing. A couple eggs a day are what we are getting. The new little chicks are doing really nicely, and this is a photo I took of them this afternoon. My favorite one (although I have no favorites) is the black and white one on the left side. It is really interesting to watch how their foliage is coming out, not at all what I would have expected when they were just a few days old. A couple of them look like pheasants, one is solid white, one is kind of yellow, and then there is the black and white one. Very interesting.

Jody (the other Jody) arrived today to work on the stock tanks. I have confidence that it will rain again in Texas before Hell freezes over. Of course, Hell could easily freeze over in Texas sometime between now and September, stranger things have happened. BUT, Jody is working to build us a new stock tank in the east pasture, and he is going to clean out the tank in the west pasture. He is also going to doze down the berm that is between the house and the pastures, and see if he can get the water from the 'natural seep' to drain into the new tank. It is a pretty ambitious project, and it shows we Texans have faith that it will actually rain again in our lifetime. At least once.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, NEW TANKS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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