At 4:30 this morning, the day was off to a good start; things went down hill from there. Another (slight) case of over-scheduling, but nothing I could not handle. I had a couple nice appointments this morning, and really got a lot of things checked off my 'To Done' list. Then things started to head south. Nothing really that I can talk too much about, but really, would a REASONABLE person really think those things could possibly happen or be taken seriously? That is just the way it went.

I think it must be something LUNAR, or (more likely) my moon is In Uranus. Either way, it was not a particularly productive afternoon. Those things happen though, and when they do, it is just (really) best not to comment. BUT that would be so unlike me, so I have to stir the flames and act all incredulous that folks can be so (ummm) interesting? Whatever...
On top of everything else, I went to Hutto this afternoon to pick up a couple parts that had been ordered for my car, and I was FULLY intending to go to the Texan Cafe and pick up a chocolate pie to bring home, ONLY to discover that the Texan Cafe is closed on Monday, so I totally outsmarted myself on that one. Whatever...
Since I took no photos today, I was doing a search of the Internet and could not find any really interesting photos. I did find a photo of seven of the moons on Uranus (did you know Uranus has 27 moons?), and I found an interesting photo of a man in the moon (see above), and then I started looking for some type of LUNATIC illustration. Maybe another day.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, URANUS (bleahhh), Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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