Official high temperature in Austin today was 104 degrees, and that makes it 39 days so far this year with temperatures over 100 degrees. There is a move going on that everyone will be moving to Colorado in the near future. Actually, that would solve a lot of problems for a lot of people; if everyone moves, then those of us who stay here will have enough water, and plenty of room on the expressways. Good plan is what I am saying. GO!

I was in bed until almost 7 o'clock this morning. Got up, suited up and went out and fed the bees and did a few chores around the house. We had a 10 o'clock appointment, and I needed to get cattle feed in Taylor, so I left just a little after 8 o'clock, and made it home by a little after 9 o'clock. I came back with two molasses buckets, 11 sacks of cattle feed, a sack of bird food and two bags of salt for the water softener. Taylor was once a major railroad hub (not as big as Temple, but still a hub) and there is still evidence that it is still a train center. Whenever I go to the feed store in Taylor, I enjoy looking at the activity in the rail yard. This is a photo I took of a couple engines sitting in the yard, waiting for something to do.

Eventually we headed into Georgetown which is a pretty expected thing for us to do on the weekends. We made a couple stops before we ended up at the Dairy Queen. I forgot to take either my cell phone OR the camera, and that is something I never do. It was kind of an odd feeling to be without both of those, and this is a 'do-it-yourself' photo. There were a couple things I could have photographed while we were out (including about 150 motorcycles parked at Dale's Essenhaus in Walburg), but since I failed to take the camera, you just need to use your imagination.
I evicted all of the chickens (including the broody one) from the coop and their pen this morning for about three or four hours, to give the new chicks a chance to explore. I did not see any of the chicks on the outside of the coop but I did see a couple of them exploring the coop. I will do that again tomorrow and see if any of them venture outside. The broody girl was anxious to get back onto her nest (for whatever reason) and when I was checking out the chicks she was looking in the window watching us. Jody thinks she might be protective of the chicks, since she is sitting on the nest all the time. Who knows?
Deeds, Actions, Changes, HIGH TEMPS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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