I slept until 5 o'clock this morning which is a real accomplishment as far as I am concerned, especially considering that it is Friday, and not really a weekend YET. BUT, I am working on it, and I am totally stoked that this is a three-day-weekend.

By the time I left for town (9 o'clock or just a little after), I had dona all my usual chores AND bribed all except two of the cattle into the new corral we built last weekend in anticipation of Jody, Tanya and Patrick arriving to work them. I had also taken a fresh bale of hay out to them, so I expect I will not have to do that over the weekend. The cattle were pretty comfortable being fed in the corral, but once they spied the cattle trailer, they knew we were up to something and were not that happy about it. We got good reports that all the cattle were looking good and seemed to be in fine shape, and I expect we are four calves short right now, having Jody et al take them off to auction. Next time you enjoy a burger, think of us! So, even though I have not taken a count, we should be down to 11 head, which is a much more manageable number. I will give a few more away later this summer, and that will be good. We really need to have a continuous stock of seven cows and Mr. Speckles. That's it...

I left the house and went straight to the Board for a 10 o'clock TREPAC presentation to new members. I also attended a small meeting with Anna and Christina, which was really a lot of fun. Interestingly however, when I was parking the car in the garage, I was heading up to the places I know that have electrical service, and almost ALWAYS there is a spot available on the far end of the third floor. WELL, someone else has discovered my secret cache of electrical outlets, and it was a really odd feeling driving up to MY parking spot and finding another Volt occupying MY electrical outlet. I play well with others, and so I was able to share the outlet. When I left (after just a really short time) the other Volt was happily charging, and all was well with the world. Not really, but the cars were happy!

I went to lunch today with Chris (Cheryl was there in spirit) to one of the food trailers that happens to be parked (temporarily) on Congress Avenue, in the space where the new Marriott will be eventually. Well, that is what they say, anyway. They said that several years ago, and they ended up tearing down at least one Austin Icon, and there is still no Hotel there. I expect it will be there sooner than later, and it will really by ready for business in the 'blink of an eye'. Anyway, I had a Chicken Philly (don't tell the girls), and it was very good. This is a photo of the trailer, and I also took a really interesting photo of the Austonian across the street, and I will (maybe) post that one for you tomorrow. We shall see.

I got some more work done in the office after lunch, and got my car packed with stuff from the office that I would like to get accomplished over the weekend. Traffic was supposed to be really bad on northbound IH 35, but I did not find it to be really terrible. I left anyway about 3:15 because I was supposed to meet up with some friends at Baby A's at 4 o'clock. I had never been to Baby A's (none of them) before, and the place was ROCKIN' at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Why weren't all those people at work? However, any place that puts an emphasis on flying pink elephants cannot be all bad! We had a great meeting, and ask me about the 'TEACH ME AT SEA' cruise we are all planning in February. It is gonna be a BLAST! NOTICE: DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THE CITY TOUR. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

So, I left for home about 5 o'clock, and there were beautiful clouds in the sky and I could see rain falling off to the west of Round Rock and Georgetown. Nothing here at the house (as usual) but the wind did pick up every now and then which was a little bit of an encouragement, but no rain yet. Fingers crossed!
The weekend has started!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CLOUDS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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