Okay, this is how deliriously crazy I was this morning when I woke up. I got up, made coffee, collected the bee juice and went out into the garage. I was opening the door to the garage (my usual method of egress) and noticed that the pavement looked dark, and there were things that looked like 'puddles' where 'puddles' would normally form if there had been a little bit of rain. BUT, since I had really no opportunity to see news or weather forecasts in almost a week, I could not get the concept that we had participated in a precipitation event into my mind. I just could not grasp the concept that it could have, and indeed still was, raining. So, I did figure it out, and proceeded to go on about my chores, 'damn the torpedoes' and proceeded to get wet while I went out and tended the bees and chickens. We MIGHT have received a quarter-inch of rain, not more than that, but it did remove the need to water the plants this morning. Very nice. No more rain since that I am aware of, but you can never tell.
I got the the Board this morning around 8:15, and my class started at 9. One of the attendees stopped and brought us cinnamon rolls from Upper Crust and they were YUMMY GOOD! Thanks Alexis.

This is one of my more traditional photos of the classes I teach at the Board. Taking photos this way, I can post the photos on the blog and no one is identifiable, therefore I do not think it is necessary to have permission to post the photo. I hope that is an accurate assessment. WHATEVER. Anyway, it was a great six days of class, and I learned things during the instruction (both in reviewing for the class and during the class) I also learned that communication at times is ambiguous, and we all need to work on better communication; both written and verbal (or oral).
Thanks to the Texas Association of REALTORS for the opportunity to participate in this new pre-licensing venture. Lots of hard work going into this series by a lot of people. Everyone is in it together!
I made it home before dark, I hardly know how to act! Jody had a nice pork chop ready, with sweet potatoes and some asparagus. I laid down and tried to take a nap, but could not get comfortable. I think I will go and try to concentrate on going to sleep.
I hope to call it an early night tonight, and get some extra sleep in the morning. It would be wonderful if there was a nice, slow gentle rain overnight.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, GOOD CLASSES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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