I did get up and feed the cattle this morning, and I am glad that has been taken care of. It is supposed to rain late tomorrow and rain off and on for a couple days. I don't know which weather prognosticator to believe. One says we will get a half-inch over a couple days, one says we will get an inch-and-a-half over the same period. I wonder why there is such a difference? I expect they all subscribe to the same services.
Of course, since it was Saturday, we headed in to Georgetown and had a spoiler at the Dairy Queen. We then stopped at Papa John's and got a pizza for dinner tonight. Stuffed artichoke, chicken (probably not one of ours), spinach and bacon. Delicious.
So this is the end of the first week with no rooster around, and the girls behaviors and attitudes are changing. They are interacting more together instead of in their own two distinct little groups (older girls versus younger girls). Tonight, for the first time EVER, they were all on the top roost and not in their own little groups. Ever since we co-mingled the flocks, there has always been one of the new girls that roosted on top of the nesting box, and every night I would pet her and talk to her. Tonight she is with the rest of the girls on the top roost. Interesting. And the abused Vera is growing her feathers back, too.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CO-MINGLING, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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