Last night we did a test run of the 'ThunderShirt' we got for the dog, anticipating thunder tonight, and we found out the thing was way too big. So, after I spent 30 minutes de-hairing it (really we had it on him for less than two minutes) I took it back and exchanged it for a smaller size. He (the dog-boy) is wearing it and he is not too sure about it. It is not nearly as aggravating to him as that collar thing he had to wear when he was 'tutored' (wink-wink), but he is really not all that comfortable with it on. If it thunders tonight and he does not totally freak out, it will be worth his aggravation in our opinions.
So far we have had about a third of an inch of rain. Keeping our fingers crossed for more.
Board meeting tomorrow, and not sure what the rest of the week has in store. Can't really remember.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, THUNDERSHIRT, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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