Unfortunately I did get some things done today, I would have rather not, but that is just the way it goes.
I got out of bed this morning at 4:30 because I could not sleep. I got up and went and got in my big blue chair, where I really do not think I slept, but I stayed there until 7:30. At least I had my eyes closed, and I expect I actually did sleep a little bit. I was cold too. I was too warm in the bed, too cold in the chair. Maybe I just needed some porridge.

This was really kind of an interesting day, in the fact that we did not do the stuff we usually do. We did not have a pile of eggs for breakfast, and we went into Georgetown early, and we did not stop at the Dairy Queen. Interesting. We did make stops at HEB and Tractor Supply, where I got a little coop for some new chicks I also got today. I am experimenting with this new coop, because the way I raised the chick last year was more bother in the long run. I hope this little new coop works out. I am so far really happy with it. It is kind of portable and compact, so they will have plenty of room to roam. Here is a picture of the new girls (we hope) still in the box from the store.
I also got the front barn cleaned out somewhat today. Miguel was here with another man to help out, and there were some accomplishments made around the place. Miguel was trimming shrubbery off the house and told me he had found a clutch of eggs beneath a bush at the back of the house. There were thirteen eggs there, and we got five out of the coop today, so the total haul for the day was 18 eggs. We tested them and they were all good, so we had a pile of eggs for dinner tonight. They did not look like they had been there too long, but we had noticed that the production had gone down during the last week. Now that mystery has been solved.
It will be a long week, but a good week (I predict) at the office. There will be time to get lots of work done.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, NEW CHICKS, Kindnesses, Wh
irled Peas, FUN!
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