I did actually get home late again last night, and there had been some issues with the alarm system, so I set about to see if I could get it corrected. I did what I could, and everything seemed to be working well, so I set the alarm. About five or ten minutes after I set the alarm, it went off, and that sucker is really loud. Woke Jody up, freaked out the dog completely, and caused a flurry of telephone calls back and forth with ADT. SO, I did not attempt further repairs last night, but I did make some corrections to the system this evening, and set the alarm again, and this time it did not go off after about 15 or 20 minutes, so I think I may have actually corrected the problem. If not, I guess the alarm will go off in the middle of the night, and this time I think I may just let the Sheriff's come for a visit. Not really...
Who knows what aHoosier D is? Just checking to see who is paying attention out there is cyber-land. Send your answer taped to a $100 to my attention and I will announce the winner in a future post.
Tune in tomorrow where you will read 'It's Friday, and this is my little Happy Friday Dance'.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BEANIE BALLZ NAMED BUZZER, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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