I did not get out of the bed until almost 8 o'clock this morning, and after I read the paper, I made a pile of eggs for me and Jody. My friend Steve (who is doing the Hill Country Ride for AIDS in a couple weeks) was doing a training ride out here close to the house, so Jody and I met up with him while he was in Walburg and met him to say hello. Steve is the second highest fund raiser (individual) for this year, and I would really appreciate it if you would click on this line, and help him out with a dollar or two:
It is truly a great cause, and leave him a note and tell him I sent you to his fund-raising page.
I did manage to get a couple things done this afternoon, in spite of myself. I got the last piece put in the walkway that Miguel finished off last week, and Jody and I got our fancy new rain gauge installed. We are members of the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network, which is a group of volunteers across the country that provide rain and climate date for compilation. It is kind of like tornado spotters, but nothing dangerous. If you want more information, you can go to http://cocorahs.org for more information and to sign up. Kind of fun, actually!
It is supposed to rain tomorrow, and that will be great. We can use the rain, and we will (probably) never complain about rain (at least for a while). It will be nice if it rains, but it would be nice also if the winds would die down a little bit. It has been REALLY windy out here today.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, LITTLE BUNNIES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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