Sadly there were no OOOHHH-AAAHHH moments on our tour of the wildflowers today. We left just before 11 o'clock and got home a little bit after 4 having traveled about 250 miles. We left the house and went to Burnet, and points west (we did the Willow City Loop) and then came home through Llano (where we stopped at Cooper's for BBQ), and then home. Many of the roadsides were very pretty, especially when we were on the smaller roads, but the Willow City Loop was kind of a disappointment. The drought has really taken its' toll, and there were LOTS of dead trees in the valleys. It was kind of sad. This photo is not at all representative of the wildflowers, it was just a pretty peak and I thought I would share it with you.
It was however, an absolutely beautiful day. I think the high temperature was somewhere in the 70's, and the humidity seems to be very low, and the temperature tonight should be in the 50's, so it should be really nice for sleeping. This week should be similar to that, so there should be no complaining from me.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, WILDFLOWERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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