This was not a bad day at all considering it is Monday and it is colder than a fart in a dead _________. Your choice. This is your chance to insult the ethnicity of your choice. Whichever ethnicity you choose, you can go through life knowing that that fart is the coldest thing in the world. Whatever...
I got a lot of work done, showed some property to a buyer-client, got some more work done and then headed off to the Board of REALTORS® for a couple VERY productive meetings. Nice.

I even got home before dark this afternoon, and went out to the cattle and turned their water on (but went back about thirty minutes later to turn it off). Daphne is acting a little bit strangely, staying to herself away from the other cattle. That is one of the signs that she is getting ready to have a calf, but I may be mid-reading this one. I will keep an eye on her and see what she is up to. Cattle have calves in the weirdest kinds of weather. There is always something going on when they have a calf, and it would not surprise me if she dropped one if this cold weather.
According to our crack meteorologist, this week historically is the coldest week of the year. It is possible they will get this one right. It is supposed to be below freezing every night this week.
It could be worse. We could all be in Buffalo.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CALVES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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