Another good day, so I have nothing to complain about, but give me a minute and I will come up with something...
I made it to the office without too many stops along the way, traffic is getting worse and worse as it makes its' way towards a crescendo next week when the schools are back in session full steam. It took me about an hour and a half today, but I have been kind of spoiled lately. Soon everything will be back to normal.
Chris and I did our Meals-On-Wheels route this afternoon, we are down to six clients from our usual nine. Two of my faves were not on the route, I may be forced to name new faves.

I left the office about 3 o'clock today because I needed to stop at CostCo on the way home, we are providing a break sponsorship for one of the classes at the Board tomorrow, and I needed to buy some supplies. I don't know if I have mentioned this (I don't think I have) but I have been trying to watch my caloric (specifically carbohydrate) intake since the first of the year. Yep, I am on Atkins, it has worked before and it will work again. The last time was about three years ago, so now I just need to get a little bit of exercise. But I digress... I never realized that CostCo was the mother-ship of Fatty-Snax. Everything I looked at was LOADED with carbs, and that is what I am trying to avoid right now. Once I reach the maintenance plateau, the carbs won't be the problem so much, I will just need to lower the calories overall, and get up off my ass every now and then.
Trying to decide if I am going to tune in to see the Lance and Oprah show this evening, or if I just just boycott the whole thing. I believe (like all the other train wrecks) I will watch it.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CARBOS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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