So...since it is almost February (already), I have been thinking about my theme for February. For those of you who have been long-term fans (and I think there must be 5's of you out there), you know that I try to have a theme every February, since it is the shortest month of the year. I think this year the theme for February will be...
And it seems I am WAY AHEAD of the game already!

This particular one was announced to me (via the radio) even before I made it to the Interstate, but since there is no alternative to get into Austin, I had little choice but to carry-on. It was a one car crash into the concrete divider. There was really no reason for the police to actually block one lane of traffic, but that is what they did. When I passed the vehicle du jour, it was neatly ensconced on the shoulder of the road, and all lanes could have been open. True, traffic could have been slowed somewhat, but all lanes could have been open.
I made about $500 for myself today, protesting automatic payments charged to my credit card by two different web-hosting sites. I have LOTS of web-sites and domain names, and I had two charges on my credit card that I just could not understand. I wonder how many people just don't bother to protest. There were two different companies, one had charged me for a three year renewal ($300 and change), and I had just done a three year renewal last year. Another charged me for another renewal (almost $200) and I had paid that just a couple months ago. There was absolutely NO ARGUMENT from them, lots of apologies, and a hurry-up to credit my account. I wonder how many $$MILLIONS they collect just by charging peoples accounts for NOTHING?
Deeds, Actions, Changes, OVERCHARGES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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