OMG, human beings are such the creatures of habit. I was off to work this morning and I did not realize it (until it was too late) that I was headed out THE LONG WAY. They finally get the bridge opened back up, and I put it on 'auto-pilot' and go a mile further than is necessary. It is not the extra mile that bothers me particularly, it is the fact that, in my little pea-brain, it seems that I am going out of the way and then have to 'back-track' to get where I need to be. I have tried looking at the route on a map to be rational about it, but that is not working. OCD.

This is another of the Iris that I have a particular fondness for. There are some others around that are almost black, and there are also some burnt orange ones that I hope have survived. I have 2,538 photos on my iPhone, thank you for asking. How many photos will an iPhone hold before it self-destructs? Anyone know how to transfer them to another source?
Just asking.
Tomorrow I get to make a presentation to our (okay Austin's) city council. Wish me luck, I think it will be okay.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, DIRECTIONALLY CHALLENGED, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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