My old creaky body was not going to submit to sleep last night, no matter how much self-medication I shoved down my throat; Merlot, Ambien and Excedrin PM (a double), Not happening. I went out on the couch until about 3 o'clock and finally went back to the bed to sleep. EMILY, be sure to ask me about the dream I had (and no you freaks, it was not about Emily!).
So, when I got up this morning, I was similarly not disposed to do any work around the house, but I did do some work in fits and starts here and there. I changed the HVAC filters in the house, reversed the ceiling fans for summer temperatures, put new batteries in the under counter cabinets in the kitchen, cut grass for about an hour (mostly up by the road) and cleaned out the chicken coop and put fresh nesting material in the nesting boxes. I really like the pine shavings to use in the nesting boxes. It give the chicken crap a nice outdoorsy smell. What could be better. Oh yeah, I also got 13 eggs today, that is a record for this month. With 27 chickens, I feel like I should be getting about 20 eggs a day, but we aren't. I need to have a stern talking to with the chickens.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CREAKS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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