Sunday, December 27, 2015

2015 - Day 361/4 - Sunday...

This photo was taken earlier this afternoon. I think it is really cute because, if you look really closely, you can see the girl dog's tongue curled up and sticking out of her mouth. At the moment, she is trembling and panting like a scared little puppy, and Jody is sitting with her on the couch trying to give her a little comfort. Overnight the storms were not terrible (although I am known for sleeping through pretty much anything), but we heard not a peep out of her. We just had a little tempest come through (and it may have even included a little bit of hail), and she is distraught. I tried putting her in the big blue chair and covering her up with a blanket, but she would have no part of that. I think the thunder (there was just a little bit of that) is over, but it looks like there could be another band of rain coming through in about twenty minutes.

I am very proud of myself. Even though it was raining and cold (in the 40s) most of the day, I was able to get 10,000 steps in. Carrie got me a Fit Bit for Christmas, and I was able to get in the goal before the battery died. I left the charging cord in the office, so that will teach me. I also cleaned out my rolling file in the office, got the top of the desk cleared off, and hid a bunch of crap. I know where I hid it, I just don't really remember what I hid. Anyway, things are looking better in the office, and I have stuff somewhat organized. Let's see how long that will last.

In case you are keeping score, it was an orange cat last night.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, NERVOUS DOG, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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