Just one more thing (before I go forward), my allergies are working overtime today. They started working overtime on Saturday night, and it continues through today. It is partly my fault, since I was moving hay on Saturday, and followed that up with shredding pastures and hauling more hay on Sunday. I really need one of those masks that painters use when I am out doing stuff like that, but something about that just makes me think it would just give the neighbors around here one more thing to talk about. Not that I think they would really care, but...
Today was a day of mixed blessings...I got into the office and got some stuff done, and then I went to my last ESAC meeting as a committee member at the Texas Real Estate Commission. I have been a volunteer on the committee for four years, so my time ran out. I will try to re-up, but I have to lay out for two years before I can put my name back in the hat. I am still going to go to the meetings, but I will not be an active member of the committee. After that meeting, I tended to a plethora of errands to run, and I got most everything done that was on my list. Then I had another meeting, and after that, I found there was a screw in one of my tires, and of course it could not be repaired, and now I am driving around on a 'loaner' tire. They had to order a tire. And finally, I was asked to lead the pledge at a committee I serve on (that will meet late this coming week)
for the National Association of REALTORS®. That is a very nice thing to be asked to do, and I am honored to have been asked. Now let's just hope that I do not sneeze my way through it
Life is full of ups and downs, and everything balances out at the end.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BLESSINGS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!