Sunday, October 8, 2017

2071 - Day 281/84 - Sunday...

Fresh trout compliments of Jim, fresh okra compliments of Pauline and Hubert. DEE-ICIOUS! We shared one of the trout (the fresh ones were really generously sized), so that means there is still one fresh trout in the refrigerator, and two frozen trout in the freezer. We will be feasting on trout again this week, and then we will pace ourselves for a while. I did a LOT of home office work today, and got some major work done. Then I got the chicken coop cleaned (no eggs for two days), and the trash can is up on the road. Plants are watered, sprinklers running again, and there will be a little more watering in the morning. Jody and I went into town early this afternoon, and made stops at Tractor Supply and Old Navy. I am ready for just about anything right now. This week will see annual TREPAC Orientation and Board Officer Leadership Conference. My parts will be all day Tuesday and Wednesday, and tip about 1 p.m. on Thursday. Officing tomorrow, hopefully showing a property or two, and then to bed early for an early start on Tuesday. Deeds, Actions, Changes, GOOD NEIGHBORS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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