I accomplished NOTHING today. I did take a couple naps, and Jody and I went in to Austin to run some errands late morning, early afternoon. I did rig up a spotlight to light up one corner of the dog yard that will switch on when we go out the back door. And we had lunch at Panera Bread this afternoon, tomato soup and grilled cheese sammiches. Yummy. It is cold, it has been grey all day except when it has been raining, and when it has been raining it was probably still grey. We have already had over an inch of rain, and I think the gutters over the garage are clogged up with leaves. That will give me something to do tomorrow.
CHICK UPDATE: The broody girl (Pancake) is now (as of the last check yesterday) sitting on three eggs. It will be interesting to see if we get any chicks out of this. That would be kind of fun. The Boy Chicken (haven't named him yet) is a frisky one that is for sure. Here is a photo of him, he is a pretty dude and large. Not sure how he compares with other Boy Chickens, but he is ours, so of course we believe him to be superior in every way!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BOY CHICK, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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