I came close to forgetting to make this journal entry. Not too close, but close. There were lots of chores to get done around the house today. My new mattress was delivered, I have sheets and things to go along with the new mattress. Furniture has been moved and rearranged, and pretty much chaos is reigning supreme. It was another grey and unfriendly looking day, and it is supposed to rain a little bit overnight. I did not cut any more grass today, and I am pretty sure I did not leave any gates open so the dogs could become free-ranging puppies. While I was taking the garbage can up to the road, I did see Barney and he and I talked for a little while. They are relatively one-sided conversations, he is much smarter than I am. There is the chance on another light freeze coming up this week, but pretty soon we will be in the middle of spring. This wisteria vine that covers this old wind mill (Jody bought it for me as an anniversary gift when we had the place at Red Rock) will soon be blooming and really lovely and fragrant. Spring will soon be here, and all things will renew.
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