I thought today was Monday all day long. I just realized it is Tuesday. I knew it was Tuesday, but I thought it was Monday. I remember watching television this evening and thinking tomorrow is Tuesday, but in reality, today is already Tuesday. I am also wondering if I can see a movie a day for the next thirty days. I looked to see what is playing in Georgetown, and there is nothing that I am familiar with, so it looks like I will have to see movies in Austin. Of course, that is nothing more than another goal to try and achieve. I am not even sure if I could find thirty different movies period, let alone thirty movies I would want to see. BUT, I am always up for a good challenge, and I will give it a shot tomorrow and see what I can find. It is supposed to get cold overnight, and then even colder overnight Wednesday in to Thursday morning. Then, for at least the next seven days or so, it should be kind of seasonal. I am also putting magazines and other periodicals in chronological order, and I am starting to knock them out in order of cover date.
It's always something.
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