We are in mourning. We are all sad. We don't know how to cope with our loss. We are unsure we will can survive the day. Okay, well, we are not all wearing black or anything like that. Okay, some of us might be, but I am wearing dark colors anyway. I could not stand it, I had to go to bed and watch CSI. I kept flipping back and forth, and when the last report was something like 24 to 6 ('Bama's favor), I just had to turn off the tube and cry myself to sleep. And all this is coming from someone who DOES NOT CLAIM to be a sports fan, whatsoever. Crap, crap, crap.
This photo is credited to Ralph Barrera, Austin American-Statesman. Did I say CRAP yet? CRAP!

I was hoping that this burnt orange sunset last night was an omen, but it wasn't meant to be. Obviously, strange things can happen, and one strange thing did happen during that game. It seems Colt has some sort of non-injurious injury. Nothing really happened to his throwing arm, it is really a hurt nerve in his neck, which cut the strength to his throwing arm. The severity is determined by how much strength he has in his arm and hand...if he can't make a fist, he probably can't throw a football. Hmmm... I know, I know...I am a guy that has had issues with my nerve ending, and I know how weird it can be. BUT, we played a good game.
It was VERY COLD this morning. You will all have another two or three days of putting up with this commentary. Sorry, but this is another big-news story to us in central Texas. Our nuclear weather station at home reported about 25 degrees when I got out of bed, so we figure it was 22 or 23 degrees in reality. The newspaper was late (had to hold the presses because of the game), and when I went out to check on the cattle (with my four-pound sledge hammer) there was about an inch-and-a-half of inc in the trough. I broke it all up pretty well, and I am sure that it just froze back over within 30 minutes of breaking it up. The sun was up before I left for work, and all the cattle were out having some hay for breakfast, and all looked well.
Today was a day filled with working in the office. Too cold to get out, so might as well do some work. I am down to one thing on my to-do list, and that is comforting. Of course, it is one of the things that has been on several to-do lists, and goes from one list to another, and I keep putting it off. I really do want to get it done next week, though. Pray for me!

Well, it seems like we have just had another day of sub-freezing temperatures added to our forecast, and I am not really happy about that. The good news is, that from here on, all the daytime temperatures will be at least in the mid-40's (I think), so that will give things a chance to defrost during the daytime hours. I had a call in the office early this afternoon that Michael had come by and chopped up the ice in the cattle troughs. When I got home from work, I went out and did it again. I know it will just freeze over again tonight, and be frozen for a while after sun-up in the morning, but at least I did it. So the cattle can't complain that they could not get any water. I wonder who I think they would be complaining to anyway? Whatever! These ice bits in the trough look like they could have sunk the Titanic. Okay, so I exaggerate a little bit.
Time to end this. I am looking forward to the weekend, this has been a long week, most likely only because the previous couple weeks were extra-short!
Try and do something nice for someone who is not expecting it. Be kind to someone just because you can be. Remember to say please and thank you. Make some small change in your life that, if multiplied many times could benefit all of us. Think of peace throughout the lands. Have FUN!
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