Long day yesterday, but I actually got home earlier than I had expected, which was SWEET. I got home before nine, but I had some trouble getting to sleep. I went to sleep pretty quickly, but after just a little while, I woke up and worried about stuff...not really worried, I was just still working. So, just about the time to get up this morning, I was just getting into a comfortable sleep arena!

Another economic forecast this morning...The 2nd Annual Austin Economic Housing Forecast, presented by the Home Builders Association of Greater Austin and the Austin Board of REALTORS. As I expected, this forecast was much more upbeat than the forecast I attended on Monday in College Station. Overall, we are pretty darn lucky to be living in Texas in general, and in Austin specifically. We are really in pretty good shape, although, really, no one knows exactly what is going to happen in the near term. I am really pretty confident that things will be better for all of us in 2011 or 2012, we just have to be able to hold on until then.

We invited all of our agents to come to the forecast with us, and Tracy, Lisa and Pat were able to attend, along with Carrie and I. This is a photo of Pat, one of our agents. Carrie has known Pat for YEARS-AND-YEARS, and I have known Pat pretty much since the time I moved here in 1985. I am pretty sure that Pat and Carrie shared a house (maybe with Terri) in Northwest Hills. That house had one booger of a driveway. If we had freezing rain, there was no way you were going anywhere! I have photos, too!
After the forecast, I got back to the office, and finished my review for the two classes I will be teaching tomorrow. TREC Ethics and TREC Legal Update. There are about sixty learners in each of the classes, so it will be a BIG class! It will be my first time teaching this version of the class, but I am not expecting any issues. This particular set of classes morphs itself every two years, coinciding with the changes mandated by the Texas Legislature. Interesting stuff.
I expect that I will soon be sorry for having made any mention at all of the following: Traffic so far this year has not been too terrible. I did make a startling discovery yesterday evening; on my way to the HOA meeting (the distance was right at 10 miles), traffic in Austin was very congested, and it took me longer to traverse that 10 miles than it usually does to go almost 50 miles from the house to the office. Austin traffic is BAD, but I am sure it is complicated all across the country. BUT, the commute to and from the office has been relatively okay for this calendar year. KNOCK WOOD!
I gathered up my stuff and headed home about 3:30 this afternoon, and life continues to be good. No real issues. I snuck out early today, because tomorrow is going to be a really long day. How is this for something really interesting? I missed the exit off the Interstate this afternoon on the way home. NOT SUCH A BIG terrible deal, actually, and it pretty much forced me to take a route less travelled (by me anyway). So, it also afforded me the opportunity to stop and put gas in the car. I guess I was pretty engrossed with my book on CD (Teacher Man) and for a second I could not comprehend that I had missed the exit. It all worked out well, though, and I took advantage of new bits of scenery.

I was coming down 302 when off on the horizon was one of the dreaded electric power transmission towers that they have been working on for a while. They have finally erected some of them, but there are still no lines on them. They are quite visible from the house, although the closest ones to us are probably 3/4 of a mile away. I hope we will soon just not even notice them anymore, but it is kind of disturbing to know that we are being encroached upon. It could be worse, they could have easements on our property, but they don't.
All the cattle are good. I went out there after I got home, and they paid me little attention. To me, that means they have had plenty of food, and are not looking for a handout!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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