Not one of our cows...our cows have justs as much attitude, but they hide it better. It was dark when I left for work this morning (it usually is) and it was ALMOST dark when I got home this evening. Part of it was the overcast skies tonight, part of it was because I got a late start home from the office. BUT, I had a pretty darn good day, but today (my day) was probably not something that will be considered news (or blog) worthy of my vast ether-net audience. I count three folks who regularly tune in to these posts, and if I keep boring everyone to death, I will have to start my recruitment efforts all over again.
I actually was able to leave a little later than usual today, since I was heading directly to the Board of REALTORS for my first official meeting as a Board Director. I can tell you, running an association such as our is complicated business, and there are lots of things that go on behind the scenes that many (or most) of our members are not aware of. Just like Dolly Parton's quote 'It takes a lot of money to look this cheap', it takes a lot of hard work and attention to details to run an operation with several thousand members. And, the staff and volunteers make it all seamless...it runs very well, so we all think it is easy, but it takes a lot of attention to details. The more I understand the process and procedures, the more impressed I am.
I heard a good quote today, from one of our guests this morning (thanks Joe). 'You don't always have to agree with it, but you do have to understand it.' I paraphrase, but that was a pretty good thing for me to think about.
After the Board meeting, I had another meeting at the Board that started at 2 o'clock, so I just stayed, since the first meeting went a little bit long. Then, I headed for the office and got there about 3:30, and left for home just a little bit after 5 o'clock.

I had noticed the cranes working down from our house yesterday, but I did not feel like making the detour to see what they were up to. I did tonight, and it does not look like they are making fast progress, but progress nonetheless. I am not sure progress is a good thing out here in our little area, but I do know for sure that it is inevitable. So, hopefully after this construction is all done, we will just pass by them and not pay any attention. This will be a double set of towers, and I want to see how it turns out. One thing is certain, these things are huge. We you look at them along the horizon, they look like robot sentries from outer space, spaced at convenient intervals so they can monitor all our doings. Okay, probably too much Rod Serling, but that is what they remind me of when you see them in a series.
Yum...stuffed salmon for dinner tonight...along with a nice salad and some green peas. What could be better?
Deeds, Kindnesses, Changes, Actions, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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