It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighbor...would you be mine...could you be mine? It is truly a beautiful day. I believe it rained all night long, but it had ceased by the time I FINALLY got out of bed this morning. I was SO TIRED last night (it has been a REALLY BUSY week) that I got in the bed and (after an emergency page from a tenant JUST as I was dozing off) I did not move a muscle until about 6:30 this morning. What a wonderful nights rest! Jody was up before me which is pretty darn unusual, and when I finally got up, I did my morning stuff and went out to get the paper. While outside, I have to do my meter readings, etc., and noted that we received .85" of rain yesterday, which gives us a grand total of 1.15" or rain FOR THE YEAR. It has been kind of dry, rainwise, but we are still kind of boggy here at the house. ANYWAY, I made egg loaf and toast for breakfast this morning, and it was lovely.
After breakfast, I caught up on lots of e-mails that were hanging from lack-of-attention given them the previous week. I WAS BUSY! But I am pretty well caught up now, and feeling pretty good about things. Jody and I headed off to town about noon; I wanted to go to Men's Warehouse to see if I could get a separate vest that might go with some of the suits I already have. If I could find a vest or two that I could wear with the existing suits, I could also ditch the neck tie after whatever meeting I was just in and have a bit more of a casual but still dressy thing going with the suit. Any opinions? I am thinking some kind of nice brocade vests (vivid colors) would work well, but I need to go on-line to see what I can find. ANYWAY, Men's Warehouse was absolutely NO HELP, they would not even show me a vest. They said they did not have many vests...but they were too distracted to even show them to me for me to see for myself. Internet, here I come.
We were then headed back towards home, and we wanted to stop at Ikea to pick up a gift certificate for Michael and Abby, since I think they are probably living in their new house by now. ANYWAY, I was distracted by some work issues, and I missed the exit to Ikea, so we did not stop there, we headed straight to the Dairy Queen in Georgetown. I even took the wrong exit to Dairy Queen, and I could get to that place in my sleep! Whatever...

So, once we got home, Jody went to take a nap, and I worked in the office and corrected the issue at the office that was plaguing me. All is better now. After I finished, Jody and I went for a ride around the property in the MULE. It seems we had some good winds in the last week, and our dead tree does not seem to be doing that well. It was kind of an attractive (as dead trees go) tree, but it is beginning to show its' death. That will never do. All the cattle were accounted for, and Mr. Speckles got some good petting. I need to take some scissors out there the next time...he has some burrs in a sensitive spot, and I need to get them cut off. He does not seem to mind the minor surgeries I subject him to, and he needs to be de-burred, so I will take care of that soon.
I am starting to get a little bit more excited about the cruise coming up two weeks from tomorrow. I am actually reviewing some of the shore-excursions they are offering, so I may succumb to one or two of them, we shall see.

Hopefully, the rest of the evening will kind of calm...WAIT, Jody has just announced that he wants to go put a letter in the post office. I will complete this when I return...Okay, we are back. We got to the Post Office in Schwertner just as the man was there to collect the mail, so that was good timing. Jody drove, so I got to play passenger, which I do not do very often (can you say control freak?). He asked if I wanted to go around the block (which is an understatement here) so I said sure. Well, I do not know which block he was thinking about, so I asked if he wanted to go on into Bartlett and see how much they charged to wash and detail the cars. He figured out he had missed the turn (onto 384) that he had intended, so we just turned around. Of course, I was just looking around, and he missed the turn again, so we just home home the way we usually do. I took a couple photos of another persons (gotta be a Schwertner's) cattle...but don't tell our cattle, they will probably get all twisted. This little brown one was very curious, as cattle almost always are. They are curious, and have a pretty good tolerance for strangers, but if you get TOO close, they are out of there.

Another day, another art project. We have all these old license plates (why?), so I gathered them up and decided to hang them up over the door to the house from the garage. Now I need more plates so I can complete the wall!
Alrighty then...another day, another post. I am already working on my 'theme posts' for February. Since February is the shortest day of the year, I am going to repeat the theme concept I did last year. Last years theme was 'twenty-eight things I see between our house and the highway'. I like the theme I have come up with for this year, and I think it will be interesting. Stay tuned!
Do something nice (DEED) for someone who is not expecting it of you. Have a kind word (KINDNESS) for someone, and it might just make their day. Make some small CHANGE in your life that will be a benefit to all of us, and can make the world a better place for all of us. Visualize World Peace (Whirled Peas). Have FUN!
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