Well, today started out just about like any day would start out. I was getting in the car to leave for the office (really I was heading to the Austin Convention Center, but that is another paragraph), and I noticed one of my tail lights on the car was not working. This tail light is a free-spirit, and it kind of works when it wants to and does not work if it cannot figure out the motivation. Usually a little bit of wiggling will get it to work, but not today. It looked as if it were actually burned out. I had gone though this in the past, and I bought replacement bulbs (they look like the old fashioned Insta-Matic flash bulbs) so I knew I had a bulb SOMEWHERE. And, like everything else we ever look for around here, we just concede that it is 'in-a-box' and we go buy new. TEN, once we buy new, we will find what it was we were looking for within a day or two, totally by accident. ANYWAY, that is done for now.

I was headed for the Convention Center for the final economic forecast of this years series. Today makes the third forecast I have attended this year, and parts of this one were better than parts of the other two. Each of the three forecasts had their own individual redeeming values, but I think, overall, that I preferred this forecast over the others. The main thing about this one was, our guest speaker (James W Pauslen, Ph.D.) was/is a very entertaining economist, and he delivered his message in a way that made you pay attention. In his opinion (and in the opinion of many others) we bottomed out last summer, and things should begin to look up. Interestingly in

today's talk, it was considerably more about the world economy, not just about the economy of our nation, state or city. VERY INTERESTING, and it has given me the will to get up out of bed again tomorrow. I was invited to the forecast by the CEO of the Austin Board of REALTORS (thanks David), and there were two tables at the event of Austin Board members. I was privileged to sit between Julie Potts and Earl Hairston (that is Julie and me in the photo), and the place was packed. BUT, good information was received by all!

I made it out of the meeting and back in the office in time for a brief bit of power real estate, and then I was off to my Meals-On-Wheels delivery. YIPPEE! I seem to have leveled off at six clients, and that is a comfortable number. The last two clients on my route live in a mega-apartment complex, and it is very difficult to navigate in that place, but i will get used to it. At another of my clients today, there was a stray black kitten that looked remarkable like our former Princess Kitty that we think was kidnapped by either a hawk or coyote or some other beastie in the area. Jody said all little black kittens look the same, and I guess he is right. This photo is one of my clients and her caretaker, and I really do like her, and I have been delivering to here for years. I always get a hug and happy words when I visit her. She is TOO sweet. I asked her if I could take her picture and post it on my blog, and she said sure, but she really wanted to put on some lipstick! OF COURSE!
I made it back to the office, and did MORE power real estate before I was off to a meeting at the Board of REALTORS. Good meeting, planning for the Education and Professional Development Committee. 113 members of that committee, it is a BIG committee, and a hard-working committee.
Back to the office again, and a bit more work done. I left for home about 4:30, and when I got home, Jody was ready to go out for dinner. We went to the Catfish Parlour in Georgetown, and had a great dinner. And now home, and ready to call it a night!
Deeds, Kindnesses, Changes, Actions, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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