I slept very nicely last night, and it seems like I slept through quite a nice little storm. That is what usually happens when I self-medicate. I have not been sleeping really comfortably, so I decided I needed a good nights sleep, and I got it. It seems we had about an inch and a quarter of rain overnight, and that is a good thing and a bad thing. I know we need the rain, but we have had SO MUCH rain out here, the ground is soggy and we cannot get anything done. I know I will soon be complaining that the ground is dry and cracking apart because of NO RAIN, but I cannot only complain about one thing at a time. The drive to work was pretty much as I expected it to be, long, tedious, stop and go (mostly stop) and time consuming. We cannot (for sure) drive in less than optimal weather conditions, so I just settled in with my book on CD and went with it. It did, however, give me a good opportunity to take one of my special 'rain-on-the-windshield' photographs that I like taking. Hope you enjoy it! I am especially pleased that I had the new windshield wiper blade inserts put on the car earlier this week when I had it serviced! CLEAN AND CLEAR!
I am counting down to leaving town for a week, but I will be posting every day! I will be on a cruise and taking Continuing Education courses at the same time. I think it will be a lot of fun, and I am really looking forward to it. I am not looking forward to being away from Jody for a week, however. BUT, I am certain it will all be okay!

I decided I could take a risk and go to WhatABurger for lunch today. The risk (to me) is that I LOVE WhatABurger, and if I am not careful I can make it a daily (twice daily?) routine. I have been pretty good about avoiding the WhatABurger temptation for a couple of months, and since I am going to be gone for about two weeks, I can avoid the formation of this recurring bad habit. But I have to tell you, I loves me 'dem burgers!
Okay, by the time I left the office ALMOST EVERYTHING on my to-do list had been marked off. I have even finished projects that are not due until after I get back. I am happy about that, because I know there will be piles of work when I get back. So, I am comfortable knowing that I at least am relatively caught up, and that I am already prepared for meetings and things that I have scheduled for when I return.

I decided to take another route home this afternoon, so I could go through the low-water crossing. As you can see, the creek is flowing pretty briskly. Jody reports that the news stated that Lake Travis is rising nicely, and that all of the water shed that flows into Lake Travis got good amounts of rain. Yippee! That means that Austin will have drinking water for another several years, and life will go on as we know it. From what I understand, the lake has come up three or four feet, and it is expected to come up at least that much more as a result of the overnight rains.

I decided that, in my quest to be getting things done in advance, that I would go on out and move the cattle into the other pasture, and move their troughs and all that stuff, so I would not have to do it tomorrow. As usual, they were all very curious about what I was doing, and they thought they would help me out. Not really, they are mostly just in the way, and I have to be very careful with them when they are close. They can easily, and unintentionally, knock you into next week with their horns. If you are petting the bull, and he decides he has a bite somewhere, he will jerk his head around, and there you go. ANYWAY...
So I got everything moved, and I am here to tell you that a good north wind with temperatures around 35 degrees can make mud and water REALLY cold! Of course, I have lots of good gear, but a lot of these things cannot be accomplished with big heavy gloves on. Anyway, it is all done now, and I get to brag that I am a 'dirty boy'! Tomorrow, I will feed them, and take another bale of hay out there to them, and they will be fine until I return. Unfortunately, the water pipe to the trough where they are now is broken (I guess it froze, but the water to it was turned off, go figure) but I am not even worried about that because they are in the pasture with the big stock tank (as you can see in the photo) so if they drink all that water in ten days, they will most likely not survive anyway.
Jody has home made split-pea soup and baked potatoes for dinner tonight. YUMMY! Perfect for a cold night in the country. That will do it for this post, but stay tuned, I have a great blog-theme for February. It will be a LOT OF FUN!
Deeds, Actions, Kindnesses, Changes, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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