It's okay. No, really, it is okay to read this post. There will be no discussion about the weather in central Texas today. Promise! I will open this entry with something even more scary! Last night Jody and I went to the Fire Bowl Cafe in Round Rock. Our total was $20.57, and I gave the cashier a hundred dollar bill. Something went wrong with the register (operator error) and the cashier could not make change. The order expediter could not make change. The store manager could not make change. There was a mad dash into the back room where someone finally found a hand calculator, and they were able to figure out how much change to give me. I worry about the future of our country, not so much because of the terrorist plot, but because of the future generations. I am not afraid that some America-Haters will shut down our electrical grid, I am afraid of your twelve year old kid in his bedroom with a computer, breaking into the power grid because he is bored. I AM AFRAID! We now return to our regularly scheduled blogging...
Here is another thing I am afraid of. I am working on my taxes for 2009. As a self-employed person, it is my responsibility to make quarterly payments to the IRS, and I have to have a pretty darn good estimate of my income and expenses for 2009 done in order to get that information to the CPA (god bless Claud) so he can tell me ABOUT how much I need to submit for this quarter. I am hoping for no payment due, and I think that will be pretty accurate, but one never knows, does one?
My intention is to stay home all day today, and eventually go out and feed the cattle, move a fresh bale of hay into their current pasture, and move the remaining three bales of hay from where they were cut into the storage area. Good, honest work for the day. Then I expect to finish the third and final NetFlix movie that has been here since before Christmas, and get them all in the mail in the morning.

It has turned out to be a beautiful day here, and I have not even started the car. I have fed the cattle, moved fresh hay out for them, and I even put a bale of hay in the other pasture, so when I move them, there will already be hay over there. A step ahead. I got the other bales that were just recently cut stored as well. It was one of those afternoons that, once the cattle were fed, and I was almost done, I just sat out in the pasture and looked at nothing. It is really quiet out here, so quiet that the silence is really loud. I know that is stupid to think about, but total silence, when you think about it, is really something you do not get to take advantage of all that often. So there I was, about three hundred yards away from the house, a good ways away from the cattle, and just enjoying the afternoon. Every now and then, there would be the sound of a small plane overhead, or a car on the road about a half mile off, or the neighbor with his tractor moving hay over there somewhere. Pretty darn nice.
Jody and I watched the last NetFlix movie, and of course it was sub-titled. I need to pay more attention to those things when I am ordering movies. Anyway, we enjoyed it, and now we will get a new batch of movies next week. I got the new book on CD loaded in the player in the car, since I will be off to College Station in the morning. It will be a good four or five hours in the car, round trip, so that will put a good dent in the book. Maybe I can get that one sent back this week too, and look forward to a few new books next week.
Dinner tonight is all leftovers! Quiche and soup, yummy. I love it all, and I love leftovers, too. If it is good the first time, odds are it will be better the second (and even third) time. Good food does not go bad in my opinion. Okay, I know it can go bad, but you get my intent.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, Whirled Peas, Kindnesses, FUN!
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