It has been a relatively busy day, and one in which I figured why I have such terrible neck and shoulder pain. More in a second... I got up about 5:30 and read meters, got the paper, drank coffee and all that stuff. Jody got up about 7, and did his morning rituals, and it was time for egg loaf. Pretty darn good this morning if I do say so myself. After a while, it was time for me to go outside and do stuff. The first thing I wanted to do was to cut a trail from the creek that goes into the middle tank to the water cut-offs for the back pastures, so if Jody has to go out there while I am gone (cruising the first week of February) he will not have to deal with snakes, holes, etc. So that was taken care of, and as long as I was out there and pretty well bundled up, I figured I may as

well feed the cattle, etc. So, I went over to their troughs and put them where they needed to be, and by then Violet and Mr. Speckles had figured it out. The rest of the cattle were in the front pasture, and as I have reported before, as far as they are concerned, the only way for them to get from one place to another is a straight line. SO, there I was with my blue whiffle ball bat herding cattle from the front pasture to the other one, so I could close the gate. Then I loaded a bale of hay on the tractor, and took the Mule to the feed shed, and fed them. Here are a couple photos of them all lined up like Pavlov's cows, slobbering all over but happy as clams.

I took the hay out to them while they were distracted, and next week I plan to move them to the other pasture so there will be plenty of water for them in case it freezes and we need to turn off the water. After I got the hay taken care of, it was time to clean out the Purple Martin houses. The Purple Martins will begin arriving in the area pretty soon, maybe in another couple weeks, but there will be scout birds in the area before that. ANYWAY, our houses are clean now, and ready for new tenants. Jody swears he saw some Purple Martin scouts in the area last week, and I saw some birds on the Purple Martin houses last week as well, but I did not think they were Martins. Jody said he also saw some birds checking our the bluebird houses along the fence line last week, so maybe we will have a good bird year.

Once we had all the chores done, we went in to Georgetown and did some things. Most importantly we stopped at Dairy Queen and had another round of spoilers. And I wonder why it is taking me so long to lose any weight. Whatever... At the Dairy Queen, the place was INVADED by kids ranging in age from (probably) two years to eighteen or nineteen. Speaking particularly of the youngest of the children, I decided that they are really just smaller versions of cattle, but not necessarily as easily trained, and much more expensive as a hobby than the cattle. AND, you don't have to put cattle through four (or six) years of college. AND, when the cattle have offspring, we can sell them. Try that with your average, run of the mill child. It won't be long before the folks in the black helicopters will be knocking at your doors with unhappy looks on their faces. Whatever... While we were in town, we also went to the Collector's Market, HEB and Tractor Supply (where I got candy cherry jelly slices). Whatever...
When we got home, Jody went down for a nap, and I got busy playing catch up and working on stuff that I had on my to-do list that I brought home with me. Still trying to have a clean to-do list before I leave next weekend. A week from today. I had no idea it was as far to Galveston as it is. The last time we took a MCE Cruise from Galveston, it did not seem like it was a five-hour drive, but that is what my map says. Admittedly, we did live in Austin at the time, and Jody was with me, so time passed easier, BUT the way it looks, I will need to leave the house next Sunday at 9AM to get there as I am planning. The boat is loading at 1PM, and I would like to get there between 1:30 and 2, and we sail at 4PM. Never want to have to be in a rush...early early early, that's me.
So, life, as usual, is good here, and I am constantly reminded that I am a lucky man. If you don't believe it, just ask me, and I will tell you again!
Deeds, Changes, Actions, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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