It is a gloomy, gray, overcast, cold, rainy day here in central Texas. I have so far cleaned the insides of Jody's truck and my car, and we were going to take Jody's to the 11 dollar twenty-five cent car wash, but it is dribbly and no need in getting the truck washed only to have it rained on immediately. So, instead of doing that, I went outside and fed the cattle, and gave them a fresh bale of hay, even though they really did not need it. The theory is, it is supposed to rain MORE later this week, just about the time they would be needing some fresh hay, and then it would be even more difficult to get the hay out into the pasture. SO, they should be set for a couple weeks on the hay front.

Whenever I feed the cattle, I always try to use the time while they are occupied with the feed to take the hay bales out to them. When you take out a bale of hay, you have to unwrap it, which takes 15 or 20 minutes, so while they are eating the bag feed, I can be left alone to unwrap the hay and put the hay ring around it. Mr. Speckles has gotten into the habit of being the first one to leave the feed troughs and head for the fresh hay. He likes to stick his horns into the fresh bale and throw the hay up over his head. How many times have I told him NOT to play with his food? Whatever...

Miguel and Luis showed up after 10AM this morning and Luis is doing more yard work and trimming trees and shrubbery back off the house. Miguel is painting the ceiling of the patio cover, and I am not sure if he will get the front porch ceiling done today or not. But, progress is being made, and sometimes progress takes a little bit of time. Refer back to my post of two days ago, and see the references I made to patience. I will be patient, so there. UPDATE: Miguel is still here, and he has now started painting on the front porch ceiling, so I guess he will get both areas finished today. I have to tell you, I like the 'sky blue' color on the porch and patio ceilings. The actual color we chose is 'Monaco Blue' because calling it 'Sky Blue' would absolutely NOT DO! You can see how dark the ceilings were painted...they were the same color as the dark green trim. It worked for the folks that we bought the house from, we we wanted something a little bit lighter, AND the old wives tale SAYS it will keep the hornets and swallows from building nests in the corners. We shall see...but anyway, it is lighter and brighter. How is that for REALTOR-speak?
I got tired of waiting for the little star-burst bandage things (covering up the stitches I assume) on my knee, so I removed them last night. They all came off pretty easily, and maybe one of the places should have remained, but you would not know that until after you removed the bandages, so now it is too late. Anyway, I do not think there is any trauma to be had because of the removal. Interestingly, my left knee now kind of reminds me of Kirk Douglas's chin. Kind of square, and two points of the square are where there were incisions made. I will keep staring at my knee, perhaps I will see a vision of a religious icon at some point, and I will be able to sell it on e-Bay. You never know!
Jody and I are threatening to eat more vegetables in the New Year. We DEFINITELY are not going vegan or anything crazy like that, but we could easily be happy with two or three meals a week of only vegetables and salad. It certainly would not hurt us any at all, and could very possibly help us. News Flash: We are probably not going to start that tonight. But I think it will be something that we will work ourselves into. I will keep you all posted.
Jody has gotten a little bit into the reorganizing bug. He is sitting across from me at his desk filing things and stapling things. It must be catching! I had also intended to catch up on some of the NetFlix movies that are hanging around here somewhere, but that did not happen. I am very happy with my most recent 'listen', my most recent book on CD which is called 'Homer and Langley'. It is about two brothers that grew up in a townhouse on Fifth Avenue. Homer became blind in his late teens, and his brother Langley went off to World War I. When he came back, he was changed forever, and became a 'hoarder'. Filled up the entire place with newspapers and various collections. I am about half way through it, and I think it is definitely a good listen.
Tomorrow is the first day back at work for the New Year, and it will be a busy one. I will be off to an early start, and hopefully be in front of all the traffic.
Deeds, Changes, Actions, Kindnesses, FUN!
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