Well, nothing else needs to be written about this day (obviously). What else needs to be said? Okay, well here is the scoop! It seems my friend Michael (from Florida) sent a package, and its' contents included a FABULOUS tiara (just what I always wanted). Michael had come up from Delray Beach to Orlando back in October when Carrie and I had gone to the NARPM annual convention there. We searched the Magic Kingdom from pillar to post looking for a tiara (whatever, just go with it), and all I found was honey that I pilfered from the Hotel Dining Room. Anyway, I am delighted that Michael was able to find a 'Tiara's-R-Us' shop in Miami, and sent one on its' way to us in the country. I also know the country-folk around here are going to enjoy it, too!
Today was a busy one...lots of accomplishments and I am feeling better about the goals I had set for myself for this long Holiday weekend. I have not gotten all the things done that I wanted to, but I am feeling better (about not getting everything done). Of course, there is always tomorrow...we shall see...

Miguel (our farm helper) and Luis came this morning and we got a lot of the landscaping under control again. It is not nearly so much trouble when everything is basically dead from the cold weather. But all the cannas and all the taller plants have been cut back (the asparagus looks terrible), and we will get a lot more stuff done tomorrow, too. One of the big accomplishments today was getting the bee hives set up, and situated where we wanted them. We are starting with five hives, and we got them all placed. Now, all we need are the bees, which will not arrive until the end of March or sometime in April, but we are pretty close to being ready for them. AND, we think they will not be bothered by ants and/or skunks (skunks love honey and are immune to bee stings), but we do think it will be a bad year for wax moths, one of honey bees natural enemies. So, we will just have to be careful and be on the lookout.
We had lots of errands to do today, including another trip to Lowe's in Hutto, then on to the office, then to the Harbor Freight Store at Brodie Oaks (to pick up some straps to keep the skunks from knocking over the hives) and then to the Dairy Queen in Georgetown before heading back home. Once we got home, we decided to go back (this time to Home Depot in Georgetown) to get some sky blue paint to paint the porch ceiling and the patio ceiling (which we hope will at least minimally deter the wasps and swallows from nesting under there. Miguel will be back tomorrow to paint, and Luis will do more yard work, and all of us are going to try and clean out the big storage building and make some sense of it. Again, we shall see...
We just got home from the 'Filling Station' restaurant in Bartlett, and I had another good dinner of fried shrimp, and Jody had a chicken salad. All very yummy, and every time we are there the place is busy, so we hope it lasts. Good food and nice people.
Deeds, Changes, Actions, Kindnesses, FUN!
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