Okay, and now for something completely different. Let's talk about this dream that I had Friday night/Saturday morning. I can visualize many of you drooling at the thought of figuring out what is REALLY going on inside my little pea-brain. If you can figure it out, I hope you will at least share it with me before you decide that it is time for the men in the little white coats to come a-calling! Okay, here we go...
I dreamed that I was on an airplane, and we were flying along, and it was really kind of rough, but there was no panic or fear by me or anyone else on the plane. I was having a nice conversation with the pilot and we were all calm. The next thing I knew, we had crashed 'softly' and I can remember seeing from the cockpit the nose of the plane going through bamboo and finally breaking out of the bamboo and stopping in kind of a cleared area of red clay. It was a tropical kind of area, and I could hear water falls around, but the plane came to a rest and that was it. No trauma. I seemed to think we were in an area that I would think looked like Vietnam, but it turned out we had actually landed in China.
We (I do not think I knew any of the other passengers) were arrested as something like spies or terrorists for invading the border, and we were put into a multi-story jail of some sort, but it was not a harsh environment. After a little while, it turned out that the 'jail' was really a multi-storied atrium kind of shopping district; not new and fancy but rather kind of old and in desperate need of repair. AND, I was dressed in one of my bee-keeping suits, complete with the veil and gloves, the whole thing. I was just sort of this 'vision-in-white', and it seemed to me that I was looked upon as a 'holy-figure', maybe a priest or religious kind of person. That is kind of when I woke up. Putting this down into words is now making me kind of embarrassed, but there it is. It sounds stupid not that I have written it. What do you think?
I have lots of interesting dreams. Back when I had just moved to Austin, I can remember having a dream that I was a 1958 Cadillac Coupe DeVille! The engine was in good shape, but the body needed a little bit of work! REALLY? Hmmm... Dreams are really fun, so I think I may share a few more as time goes on. Let me know your thoughts...

SO, I refused to open my eyes this morning until after Jody got up, and it was almost 7 o'clock. So far I have done the daily chores and even straightened up a little bit towards the front of the property. Yesterday we came home from our little trip to Granger Dam, and suddenly the front of the property looked a lot like a bad TV sketch on the Jeff Foxworthy show. It really looked kind of trashy. I am totally aware that there is a fine line between 'yard-art' and just a pile of crap thrown about. ANYWAY, things look a lot better now. The bees were pretty active today, and there were a couple 'scout bees' that were not that happy that I was hanging around. It got better when I took my red jacket off in favor of just wearing my t-shirt. Bees do not like red, purple or black, but they are not particularly bothered by white. Just one of the things you learn!
This must have been a really calm weekend, based on the fact that I cannot seem to find any NEW bruises. Generally speaking, I do not find bruises until when I am shaving (or otherwise grooming myself) on Monday mornings. I will wait and see what I find tomorrow morning!

Jody and I made our pilgrimage to Dairy Queen in Georgetown, and then we came home and took naps. Afterwards, we went BACK out to the front of the property and cleaned up some more stuff. We have lived here for over two years, and we just today hung stuff up on the barn that we took down from around the farm in Red Rock. I guess that in another couple years, we will have everything done and then it will be time to move. HOPE NOT! While we were out there, the chickens had to be right in the middle of everything we were doing. The girls decided it was 'bath time for chickens' and it is very interesting to watch then scratch up a big cloud of dust for them to take a 'dust bath'. Interesting things that happen in the country.
It is a really beautiful day today, I would not be surprised to hear that we hit 80 degrees this afternoon, and it is supposed to be down in the teens in a couple days. Highs in the 40's and the lowest predicted for next week is 14 degrees. How can that possibly happen?
Jody and I were sitting on the porch with really very few cares at all. A beautiful, quiet lovely day, the sky is a brilliant blue and the clouds are gorgeous. How can it be that, in a place called Egypt, thousands of people are rioting in the streets? How can it be that, in a place called Afghanistan, human beings are shooting real guns (with real bullets in them) at each other, each one hoping to kill the other? How can it be that, in a place called Tucson just a few weeks ago, a desperate and ill person murdered several people and wounded several more? How can it be that, in a place called Detroit, a gunman opened fire inside a Police station and was killed before it was all over. How can there be so much unhappiness in the world, when it is so beautiful and calm and peaceful here in a spot called JB Acres, somewhere on the 'edge of nowhere'. I say the edge of nowhere, because that is further than the 'middle of nowhere'.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, DUST BATHS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!