A very nice day in the office today. I got there about 7:30 and did not leave until it was time (for me) to go home. Had some nice conversations with some of our agents and a very enjoyable day overall. I am working on getting my automated advertising going, that should be done tomorrow. Just like with everything that is automated, it is the 'setting-up' that is the killer and so very time-consuming. Okay, not so much for me, but Karla is doing a HELLUVA JOB! She has really been working hard getting all the data entered, and it is going to be great tomorrow when we push the button. I will just sit back and wait for all the business to come rolling in. That is the deal, right?
Made an appointment for an electrician to come out to the house tomorrow afternoon, so that will be nice. He is also someone that does solar electric installations, so that will be a lot of fun. Kind of disappointed today with the car charge; I had the car plugged in for seven hours, and the GFCI tripped and I did not know it. I did not get very much of a charge. Very discouraging. BUT, it will all be better soon. Maybe in about ninety days I will have the 240 Volt charging capabilities at the office, and that will make a TREMENDOUS difference.

I left the office on a mission to buy a new brief case. I actually went to the Round Rock Outlet Mall, for the first time in my life. I looked up luggage dealers on the Internet, and called to make sure they had brief cases. The particular site for this company (I don't even remember the name of the place) has a TERRIBLE web-site, and it did not show ANY briefcases. BUT, I was assured by one of their employees that they had a 'whole wall full' of brief cases, and I was not disappointed. A much better selection than I have ever seen at an office supply store. And, his directions

(for a first time shopper) were excellent; I found the place, parked within a reasonable distance, was in and out with no real problems. The particular case I bought is lacking in style, but it more than makes up for it in function and utility. I will take a photo of it tomorrow an share with you all.
Okay, I am back. I took a break and had dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. The deal is, Jody cooks, I clean. Very civilized!
Whatever...when I got home, I needed to feed the

chickens and clean the wood stove of ashes. We have had a fire pretty much non-stop for a week or ten days, and every now and then the ashes need to be thinned out. So, the chickens were glad to see me, and I gathered five up five eggs. Not too bad. AND, the stove got a good (okay, pretty good) ash-thinning, so all is well. I am posting photos of two of the girls today, since I have been a bit neglectful of posting chicken photos. So, here you are. Enjoy! The photo above is of Vera, and the photo here is of Spot. As you can see, Spot is a 'dirty-bird'! LOL!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CHICKENS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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