I did not check my e-mail from 6:30 this morning until about 3 o'clock this afternoon. I had 104 new e-mails, and about seven or eight of them were legitimate e-mails, sent to me with an actual purpose. Most of the other e-mails wanted to make a part of me bigger, a part of me smaller, a part of me harder or a part of me softer Most of the rest of them were informing me of a vast inheritance that I was due, and boy were they ever glad they had FINALLY found me.
I did not mention that, yesterday while I was surfing FaceBook in the office (it was work related), I got an instant message from a friend of my (Karen) that said she had just been mugged at gunpoint in London, and...well, you know the rest. I called Karen in her office and we talked as I massaged back and forth with the scammers, and they thought they had me for a while there. It was just awful, and of course I would go right now and wire her money, lucky thing her passport had not been stolen, etc., etc., etc!

This morning I attended a TREPAC Investors Breakfast at the Westwood Country Club...very nice indeed...and one of my duties was to introduce our Texas State Representative Donna Howard. I had briefly met Representative Howard last year at another TREPAC function, and I was very honored to introduce her. Interestingly, Representative Howard is very good and close friends with our very good and close friends Michael and Lynda, so I had previously called upon Lynda to give me some anecdotal information to go along with the standard bio for my introduction. Representative Howard is a very warm and caring person, and I hope very much to become better acquainted with her in the very near future. I have invited her out to the farm to 'dig Iris', so one of these days if the stresses of State Politics gets too overwhelming and she has a few hours to herself, we may just see her. This photo if of me with Representative Howard and Susan Horton, the 2011 Chair of the ABoR PAC Committee.
After the breakfast, I stopped in (briefly) to attend a meeting at the Board, then I was off to speak (on behalf of TREPAC) at the Austin Chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals. It was a great luncheon meeting, and the big joke was (since many of us had also been at the breakfast earlier) WHAT ARE WE DOING FOR DINNER?
Then it was back to the Board for an Professional Development and Education Meeting, and THEN I went to the office to do a little bit of power real estate. Tomorrow will be another day of meetings. Isn't it interesting how meetings and things get all clustered together? Friday and the first few days of next week are really pretty open, so that will be nice, I am really looking forward to some office time, and hopefully showing some property and making a few dollars.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, OVER SCHEDULING, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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