I left the office about 3:30 and had an errand to do, so I made it home about 5 o'clock. It is still bitterly cold here, but I am certain we are no where near as miserable as other folks in the country. The temperature today in International Falls, Minnesota was FORTY SIX DEGREES BELOW ZERO. Now, I don't care who you are, that is just not right. Why do people live there? This kind of thing happens a lot, from what I understand. AND, I don't care if it is only 10 degrees below zero, I don't think there is really that much difference. You do not want to go out in it, no matter what it is. This is not something where you hear a lot of people say 'It feels good outside'. I think when it is that cold, you need to keep it inside, where it won't break off. IDIOTS!
We now return to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress.
What was I talking about? I am not sure, but let's go with this. Oh yeah...when I got home, I went out to feed the chickens, and I refused to pick Ruby up and carry her to the pen. I kind of nudged her along with my foot, and when the other chickens saw this, they thought that looked like fun, so they all got out of the pen to come and join the playtime. Finally got them all back in the pen, and fed them. Jody got four eggs today, and there was another 'egg casualty', this one looked like they laid it while they were on the roost. I guess every now and then an egg will take you by surprise, but when you gotta lay, you gotta lay and there is no getting around it.
Tomorrow morning should be our last REALLY cold day for a week or so...not really expecting any 20 degree low temperatures on the seven-day forecast, anyway.
One more thing before I forget. Today is our friend Bruce's birthday. Bruce and his wonderful bride Melody (but this is about Bruce, not Melody) live in Connecticut where Melody loves the weather they are having and Bruce spends his days in front of a light box. We have not called him to wish him a great day, we will do that tomorrow, but we wanted to make sure we acknowledged his special day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRUCE! We love you both!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, DENNY'S, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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