Hello, hello, hello! Okay, I am amazed, this starts the third year of this journal. This is my 732nd consecutive entry, not a day missed so far. I wonder if I can go another year without missing a day? We shall see...
The New Year came in peacefully and quietly and wonderfully. I was pretty much lacking in motivation today, and did a lot of nothing. SO, let's talk about a few things we did yesterday in anticipation of today.

The day began with a good breakfast and then it was time to move the cattle from one pasture to the other. They were eager to change pastures and sometimes they get a little bit feisty. As you can see, Violet was pretty ready to go to 'greener pastures' and all was good. The only problem child was the new ( okay, let's say newly steered) Steer calf that just was not totally convinced he wanted to join the others on the 'other side'. He eventually was encouraged to move over, and it only took an extra twenty-five minutes or so to get him over there. AND, they are now on the side where the tank is that still has water in it, so there is no reason for them to have 'city' water now, which also means I do not have to worry about turning off water in the pastures if it gets below freezing. They also got a fresh bale of hay so they are very content at the moment.

After that, Jody and I went into Taylor to stop at the Taylor Cafe (duh) that has been making bar-b-que for years and years. We had recently read a review for this place (we can't remember where we read it) and decided to try and find it. I think the location may have been a spot of bustling commerce at one time, until they built an overpass to avoid having vehicular traffic having to stop for trains. That viaduct pretty much put the cafe into the shadows, and even though we have passed over that bridge dozens of times, we never really paid attention to the cafe. It was certainly well worth the visit. We got there about 10:30 and the place had a few 'regulars' in attendance, and the waitress help looked like they were there for the long haul, most likely they were not going anywhere until after the New Year. We took home two pounds of pork ribs and some potato salad and beans. The potato salad and beans are really nothing to brag about, but the RIBS were delicious. They will be delicious again tonight, when we have them with home-grown black-eyed peas that we froze back in the summer when we were on the 'canning' spree. GOnna be yummy good!

We left Taylor and headed to Hutto, where we stopped to pick up my license plates. I don't have new license plates, I just transferred my old plates to the new car. I just had to leave the plates with them until the transfer was all 'legalized'. When we left the car dealership, we went through Downtown Hutto, and once again, I am in trouble. The Hutto Chamber of Commerce sells the 'Hutto Hippo' mascot Hippos, and I can see that there is a Hippo in our future. Have you ever seen a herd of concrete Hippos before? Well, if you ever want to, I can give you directions. I think we will paint if Hippo Grey with accurate anatomical details. Any advice will be appreciated.
Of course, after that, we were pretty much exhausted and had to make a pilgrimage to Georgetown for spoilers. Jody had the new 'Nutty Banana' flavor, and I stuck with my usual Oreo Cookie Blizzard.
We called it a night at our normal time, and off in the distance we could hear fire crackers, but we did not see any fireworks this year. Last year we could see fireworks from several different venues; last year we think we could even see fireworks that originated from Georgetown.

This morning was pretty much like any other day, and we are so pleased and happy to be living out here in the country. Such a nice place, and no needs to be in a hurry, no traffic problems, no hustle and bustle. We did go back into Georgetown and had a spoiler, and on the way back, we stopped for a while and went to visit my friend Judy (we took her a chocolate shake, which she really loves). We took the long way home (through Weir) and just enjoyed the drive. We made the whole round trip (about 35 miles) without using any gas. We still had about 12 miles of electric charge to go. So far, I am really enjoying the new vehicle. Very comfortable, very efficient...kind of like the two of us.
We got five eggs from the girls today, so that is a good start for the New Year. I also let them out a little bit early, so they got a good run-of-the-place for the first day.
So, that was our first day. We are both happy and thankful, and looking forward to what this New Year has in store for us.
The unabridged closing: Do a good DEED for someone who really is not expecting it of you. You will be really surprised how it will improve YOUR day more than the other person. See what small CHANGES you can make in your life. You do not need to make drastic, major changes. Just a little change today, maybe another small change next week. You will really be amazed at how much better your life will be by taking little baby steps. ACTIONS: take action that will make you happy. When you make yourself happy, you will be amazed that the people around you will be happier as well. You know, if you want to have friends, you have to be friendly. Small but earnest KINDNESSES towards those around you will maybe go unnoticed at first, but after a while, people will recognize you as a kind person, and those kindnesses will be returned to you 10 fold. WHIRLED PEAS, I wish we could obtain that, even for just a minute, then maybe for an hour, then maybe for a day. Who knows, it might just catch on! And finally, FUN! Have fun. Just go and have fun. You have my permission.
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