Crazy! Left the house this morning at about 5:45 to get to the Convention Center before the start of a 7 o'clock meeting. Very good and informative Economic Forecast (the last of the season, I think). Had a great time socializing before the function with colleagues and friends. I think there were about 700 attendees @ $165 a head; now there is an economic forecast for you! ANYWAY...

After that, I headed north to attend the Austin Chapter Women's Council of REALTORS business luncheon. There were over 100 members at the luncheon, and there were several speakers (myself included). Another good and informative meeting. Here is something you do not often see; the photographer as the photographed. This is a copy of me and my friend Doren. Doren and his lively bride Tawanna own the Realty Line, a monthly newspaper that covers real estate related events in the Austin MSA, and he is usually the one taking the photographs!
Here are a few things I learned today; the population of the Austin/Round Rock statistical area in now about 1.8 MILLION people and growing. Austin is the 15th largest city in the United States. The population of Austin itself is (I think) just a little bit over a million (I know that does not sound possible, but I am pretty sure that is what I heard). I may need to check those facts, I will get back to you.

Left the office about 4:30 this afternoon, made it home just a little bit before 6 o'clock. I went out and fed the chickens (Jody got six eggs today), and then we headed out to Georgetown for dinner at the Catfish Parlor. I am stuffed. I had the all-you-can-eat catfish and popcorn shrimp; not because I was that hungry, it was because it was a dollar cheaper than the regular catfish and shrimp dinner. I asked for 'just a few more shrimp' and the server brought me a whole bowl of them. I was doomed. There was nothing to do but eat them. I was doomed. DOOMED! By the way, this is a photograph of a very rare and seldom photographed POLLO DE ALPS, commonly referred to as a 'Mountain Chicken'. Just thought I would explain that.
Home and blogging and going to bed.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, DOOMED I TELL YOU, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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