Let's see...what shall today's entry be about? I know, let's start talking about stuff that happened yesterday, and go from there! This photo is of the chickens as seen from the breakfast room window yesterday afternoon as I was writing the entry for yesterday. See how I am working that 'yesterday' theme into this entry? Work with me here. ANYWAY, I was too far gone YESTERDAY to take the time to include anything MORE about the chickens, so I decided to leave it be, and try to remember it for today, which will be yesterday TOMORROW. Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away... Whatever...

Now let's talk a little bit about today, which was tomorrow YESTERDAY. Today I got up even earlier than usual. I was scheduled to meet six other colleagues at one of their offices in Austin, and we were all going to car-pool up to Aggie-Land (College Station) for the annual Educators Conference. Everything went fine, I got there just a little after seven, and there was already one of our co-conspirators waiting. I actually got to plug my car in behind John's office, and that is the FIRST time I have ever plugged the car in ANYWHERE other than my home and my own office! Thanks John and Susan. So, we all piled into John's suburban and off we went to College Station. A fine time was had by all! John, Susan, Chad, Warren, Marcie, Rita and myself. Is that seven? Yep, and the Suburban was not even crowded. Very comfortable. As you can see from this picture, I am not a big fan of flash photography! We left A&M to head back to Austin about 3:45 or so, and just about five miles from John's office, my car texted me that the charge was complete. SWEET!
I got home about 6:30 tonight, and it is CHILLY outside. Supposed to be down (probably) in the mid-20's tonight. Rumor is we will get our week-of-winter this week, and we are pretty much over it already. We will be happier with highs in the 70's and lows in the 50's, thank you very much.
The chickens seem to be enjoying their heat lamp. They were all huddled up around it this evening when I went out there to shut them up in their coop. We got four eggs today, so that is a pretty good haul with the colder temperatures.
One meeting on the schedule for tomorrow, and that will be good. There is plenty of work to be done!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, YESTERDAYS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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