So this is it, huh? The end of January already. Tomorrow is the first day of February, and traditionally the February posts all have a theme. The first year of this journal the February theme was 'Things I see between our house and the Highway'. Last years theme was the tiara; different folks posing with the tiara on. I have considered a theme of women's shoes and the pain they must (obviously) endure by wearing those mile-high heels. I am really not trying to cater to the prurient interests of my followers, but it probably could not hurt. I might get a whole new class of follower after all this. So, be on the lookout, the announcement will be made in tomorrows post.
Do you know what the coldest thing in the world is? This is a multiple choice question. Choose the one that best suits your needs; 1. a fart in a dead Eskimo (that is not meant to offend the indigenous peoples of the northwest, it is just an expression), 2. the roof of your mouth when you took too big of a gulp of your Slurpee, or 3. Austin on the day after tomorrow. I am going to go with number three. We are expecting the coldest weather we have seen in about the last 20 years, and I do not have fond memories of that cold spell. Not fun. The only people I know that are excited about it are the plumbers and the HVAC folks. AND I will be carrying our emergency pager starting tomorrow. WHOOPEE! The high temperature today was approaching 80 degrees, and on Wednesday it is supposed to be about 14 degrees, which means it will be about 8 degrees here. Highs are expected to be in the 30's for the next several days, and that will be with us until Saturday. I know old Rush is working on his spiel now, 'What's all this talk about global warming', blah-blah-blah!
We got six eggs from the girls today, and I expect production to plummet for the rest of the week.
Strategic Planning meeting tomorrow, along with trying to stay warm!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ESKIMOS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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